Compassion Projects

Help sponsor the education of teachers, youth leaders and workers for ministry in evangelical churches around Russia and neighboring countries.

The Lord said, 'When I was hungry, you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me drink, I was a stranger, and you asked Me in, I was naked, and you clothed Me, sick and you visited Me, in prison, and you came to Me..."

Watch Video of a Compassion Projects in Action

New Compassion Projects you can be part of

Provide cows to poor families in Romania to make milk, cheese, butter and even extra income from the sale of dairy products.

Providing large-print Bibles for persecuted elderly believers in China.

Renovate a Health Center and help provide hospital beds to overcrowded facilities, safe water, sanitation services and the tools to diagnose and treat malnutrition and disease.
Teaching women and girls their value, identity, and purpose in Christ through life-changing resources, including books, Bible studies, videos.

Ongoing projects

Investing in the future of students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Seeds Program helps farmers improve their livelihoods and enables them to provide nutritious meals.

Provide fuel efficient stoves to needy rural families.
Provide books to local libraries in the Philippines to grow communities affected by the typhoon. Books open their minds to the reality of God’s love and teach Christian values.


To The World Most Needy

Hope of the World Ministries has become a center for outreach through special projects of compassion helping the poor and needy throughout the earth. Several times a year new projects are presented and opportunities given for you to touch lives, meet specific needs, bring many to salvation, provide opportunities for the persecuted to be strengthened, and to literally be a vessel of healing - right from your own home. You can be a part of helping to provide water wells for the thirsty, medical relief, Bibles and support to the persecuted, bringing back the Jewish people to their homeland, building bamboo churches, caring for the needs of lepers, orphans, and more!

Hope of the World has a special ministry to helping the persecuted believers of the world and strengthening all believers with special teachings & resources on audio CDs and video DVDs.