Two things that seem not to go together are brought together by the Holy Spirit - the world is filled with "Jewish mother" jokes but most people don't realize what is hidden within these jokes - the profound spiritual mystery of the Jewish mother and the Messiah - a unique and colorful message.
The deep meaning hidden inside one of the most ancient titles of the Messiah - the foundation, the corner, and the resting place of all existence in each of our lives.
A look into the richness hidden in Jesus' real name -- YESHUA, meaning "God is Salvation". The link between the Hebrew word for salvation and Messiah's name in Hebrew prophecy.
The strange menorah vision given to the prophet Zechariah. The Automatic Menorah of God and truths by which to have a spirit-filled, flowing and abundant life in God.
Often not known, Messiah is foretold in Hebrew scriptures with the name "The Branch". The meaning of the branch prophecies and the mystery of Nazareth.