Jonathan reveals the uniquely supernatural war we’re each in the middle of, what it has to do with Israel, the Church and the end-times, and how to deal with it and successfully overcome - Shared before the Messiah Conference
In 2016, America’s political landscape was turned upside down. From the end of the Obama years to Donald Trump to Israel and the template of The Harbingers. What does it all mean?
In ancient times, God separated the sons of Aaron to be His holy ministers. Discover the calling, the power, and the anointing you have as His secret priesthood.
On New Year’s Eve 2016-2017, Jonathan does a prophetic time lapse, of some of the most significant, events, stories, and developments to reveal in startling clarity where we are and where we are heading
The curse that was upon the last king of ancient Israel and his sons, the underground royal line of David, the hidden mystery behind the coming together of Joseph and Mary, and the secrets from Bethlehem that reveal how you can live a royal life
What is the playroma? And what does it mean when Paul wrote that Messiah came in “the fullness of time?” When did Messiah really come? And when does come now? Discover how to enter into the most sacred moment… the fullness of time.
Isaiah prophesied that Messiah would be called ‘Immanuel’ – But what does it really mean – Open up the Hebrew and discover the deep and powerful ramifications in that name that can change your life.
When a renowned teacher has a class, it is called a ‘master class.’ Messiah has His own master class. How to get in on God’s Master Class, and how to prosper in His course.
On the day Fidel Castro was buried, Jonathan reveals an amazing prophetic account behind world events, from the Magi, to the Jubilee, a Castle, a Star, a prophetic sign, and God’s hand behind world history.
On the eve of the strangest election of our times, and one of the most critical moments in our history, Pastor Jonathan shares of things to come, and how we must be prepared.