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Today's Sapphire


Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Shalom, to you my Friend and Co-Minister in the Great Commission...
    It's one of most overlooked realms with regard to getting a glimpse of what is to come - statistics. But by looking into what is taking place among the young generation, we will have a glimpse of what the future will bring.
    Where is the young generation at regarding God, faith, the Bible, and Jesus? For the first time in Western civilization since the beginning of the faith, the majority of young people in the West consider themselves something other than Christian, other than even nominally Christian.
    What about society, marriage, sexuality, and family? For the first time ever, one quarter of the American population under 40 is not married. The majority of young women in America don't want to become mothers. The percentage of American children born outside of marriage stands at around 40%, almost one out of two, and the percentage of people identifying with something other than heterosexuality is not 1%, 2% 5% but, among young people, a staggering 28%!
    What about Israel? America has always stood as Israel's strongest ally. But that, too, is changing. In the wake of the October 7th attack on Israel, one would have expected a surge of support for the Jewish state. But among the young, something else happened. Between Israel and the terrorist group Hamas, young people favored Hamas! In fact, support for Hamas was so strong among the young that it approached majority status. In fact, about two thirds of young Americans now see Jews as oppressors!
    Let's put together the puzzle pieces. Apart from a revival and the hand of God to reverse these things, the America of the future will not be a "Christian nation," it will not even be culturally Christian, it will not even be nominally Christian. It will be un-Christian, non-Christian, and perhaps even anti-Christian. As far as marriage and the family, there will be less of both. More and more children will grow up having no idea what marriage is. More and more adults will be alone. A greater percentage of the population, as in over one third of Americans, will see themselves as LGBT, an identity that will put them at odds with the Word of God and people of faith. Finally, America, the last great ally of Israel, will no longer be so. Israel will find itself increasingly alone.
    What does this all mean? It means the Bible is true. What it said would take place in the last days - is now taking place. All the more we need to pray for this generation, spread the Gospel to it, and stand strong. Let us make it our resolve to do all three this month, and may God greatly bless you as you do!

Your brother and co-laborer

in His love and service,


See Message: The Days of Apostasy

Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:5
